By Mary Jo King, NCRW, NCOPE
This page features links on a variety of job search and resume-related subjects compiled by my colleagues at the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a nonprofit association dedicated to providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers. Following any one of these links will take you to a “best of” collection from NRWA writers. The NRWA’s Resume Experts site is especially helpful if you’re trying to go it alone. Here is a link where you can download the free eBook, Career Tips for Job Search Success.
I’ve heard people talk about how personal branding is important in a job search. How do I figure out what my own personal brand is? | Brand Development
If there are multiple different career directions I could take, do I really need to make a new resume for each job? | Career Changing, Career Planning & Focus, Resume Writing
How do I answer “tell me about yourself” in an interview? I never know what they’re looking for. | Interviewing, Personal Branding
I was offered a new position, but the salary is less than I was hoping. What’s the best approach for asking for more without jeopardizing the offer? | Salary & Benefits Negotiations
How Can I Avoid Age Discrimination in My Job Search? | Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+
How Can I Get Recruiters to Help Me With My Job Search? | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching
I’m unhappy in my job. What do I do? | Career Changing, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips
What To Do When Your Job Search Isn’t Working | Career Tips, Executive Job Searching, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Job Searching Online
I had to take time off work for a year to support a close family member with health issues: Should I mention this on my resume to explain the gap in employment? | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Resume Writing
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