By Mary Jo King, NCRW, NCOPE

This page features links on a variety of job search and resume-related subjects compiled by my colleagues at the National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA), a nonprofit association dedicated to providing expertise in resume writing to all job seekers. Following any one of these links will take you to a “best of” collection from NRWA writers. The NRWA’s Resume Experts site is especially helpful if you’re trying to go it alone. Here is a link where you can download the free eBook, Career Tips for Job Search Success.

I’ve heard people talk about how personal branding is important in a job search. How do I figure out what my own personal brand is? | Brand Development

If there are multiple different career directions I could take, do I really need to make a new resume for each job?  | Career Changing, Career Planning & Focus, Resume Writing

How do I answer “tell me about yourself” in an interview? I never know what they’re looking for.  | Interviewing, Personal Branding

I was offered a new position, but the salary is less than I was hoping. What’s the best approach for asking for more without jeopardizing the offer?  | Salary & Benefits Negotiations

How Can I Avoid Age Discrimination in My Job Search?  | Career Tips, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+

How Can I Get Recruiters to Help Me With My Job Search?  | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching

I’m unhappy in my job. What do I do?  | Career Changing, Career Planning & Focus, Career Tips

What To Do When Your Job Search Isn’t Working  | Career Tips, Executive Job Searching, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Job Searching Online

I had to take time off work for a year to support a close family member with health issues: Should I mention this on my resume to explain the gap in employment?  | Career Planning & Focus, Job Searching, Job Searching at 50+, Resume Writing

I notice there are so many formats and designs when it comes to resumes. Is it better to keep the visual aspect of the resume simple, or fill it with colors that could overwhelm the reader?  | Resume Writing


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